Jaypee Scientific


  • WHEEL-CHAIR-Karma Commode Wheel Chairs-Rainbow 7

WHEEL-CHAIR-Karma Commode Wheel Chairs-Rainbow 7

Model : Rainbow 7
SKU: 100866
  • ₹ 8,085.60

    ₹ 8984.00

With age and the inevitable onset of ailments, the body has to face various kinds of limitations, especially in matters of mobility. The senior citizen often face debilitating disorders that make them..
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WHEEL-CHAIR-Karma Commode Wheel Chairs-Rainbow 7

SKU Brand Price Model No. Availability
100866 Karma Rs. 8085.60 Rainbow 7 Available


With age and the inevitable onset of ailments the body has to face various kinds of limitations especially in
matters of mobility. The senior citizen often face debilitating disorders that make them weak and immobile.To
restore dignity and peace to such a suffering elderly member the Karma Rainbow 7 Wheelchair is extremely
handy. It can serve dual purpose - as a Commode wheelchair and a Normal Wheelchair .

With age and the inevitable onset of ailments, the body has to face various kinds of limitations, especially in matters of mobility. The senior citizen often face debilitating disorders that make them weak and immobile.To restore dignity and peace to such a suffering elderly member, the Karma Rainbow 7 Wheelchair is extremely handy. It can serve dual purpose - as a Commode wheelchair and a Normal Wheelchair .

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