B.P Apparatus Digital- BPX
₹ 2,850.00
₹ 2950.00

B.P Apparatus Digital- BPX

SKU | Brand | Price | Model No. | Availability |
100500 | Romson | Rs. 2850.00 | BPX™ (GS-9001) | Available |
pspan stylecolor rgb(68 68 68) font-size 14pxAutomatic B.P. monitors are Mercury Free and substitute
conventional type of sphygmomanometers.spanbr stylecolor rgb(68 68 68) font-size 14pxspan stylecolor rgb(68 68
68) font-size 14pxBPX is thus a safer and a time saving solution with many added features.spanppspan
stylemargin 0px padding 0px border 0px outline 0px vertical-align baseline background-image initial
background-position 0px 0px background-size initial background-repeat initial background-attachment initial
background-origin initial background-clip initial font-weight 700 color rgb(0 109 103) font-size
14pxFEATURESspanspan stylecolor rgb(68 68 68) font-size 14pxspanpul stylemargin-right 0px margin-bottom 0px
margin-left 35px padding 0px 0px 0px 10px border 0px outline 0px vertical-align baseline background-image
initial background-position 0px 0px background-size initial background-repeat initial background-attachment
initial background-origin initial background-clip initial list-style none color rgb(102 102 102) font-size
14pxli stylemargin 0px 0px 10px padding 0px 0px 0px 20px border 0px outline 0px vertical-align top background
0px 0px position relativeLCD Display for clear visualization.lili stylemargin 0px 0px 10px padding 0px 0px 0px
20px border 0px outline 0px vertical-align top background 0px 0px position relativeRecall values from Memory
recall button.lili stylemargin 0px 0px 10px padding 0px 0px 0px 20px border 0px outline 0px vertical-align top
background 0px 0px position relativeMemory capacity of 90.lili stylemargin 0px 0px 10px padding 0px 0px 0px
20px border 0px outline 0px vertical-align top background 0px 0px position relativeSystolic Diastolic pressure
and pulse rate measurement.lili stylemargin 0px 0px 10px padding 0px 0px 0px 20px border 0px outline 0px
vertical-align top background 0px 0px position relativeAutomatic inflation and deflation of cuff.lili
stylemargin 0px 0px 10px padding 0px 0px 0px 20px border 0px outline 0px vertical-align top background 0px 0px
position relativeAuto shut off after one minute of last key operation.lili stylemargin 0px 0px 10px padding
0px 0px 0px 20px border 0px outline 0px vertical-align top background 0px 0px position relativeSpecially
designed device and cuff to prevent electrical shocks.liulpp
Automatic B.P. monitors are Mercury Free and substitute conventional type of sphygmomanometers.
BPX is thus a safer and a time saving solution with many added features.
- LCD Display for clear visualization.
- Recall values from Memory recall button.
- Memory capacity of 90.
- Systolic/ Diastolic pressure and pulse rate measurement.
- Automatic inflation and deflation of cuff.
- Auto shut off after one minute of last key operation.
- Specially designed device and cuff to prevent electrical shocks.