Omron BP Apparatus HEM8712
₹ 2,400.00
₹ 2890.00

Omron BP Apparatus HEM8712

SKU | Brand | Price | Model No. | Availability |
100914 | OMRON | Rs. 2400.00 | HEM8712 | Available |
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stylemargin-right 0px margin-bottom 0px margin-left 18px padding 0pxli stylelist-style disc overflow-wrap
break-word margin 0pxspan classa-list-itemTo keep track of your blood pressure and help you in effective
health management here is the Omron HEM 8712 Blood Pressure Monitor with a digital displayspanlili
stylelist-style disc overflow-wrap break-word margin 0pxspan classa-list-itemIt is a convenient thing to be
used by people with blood pressure or in clinical settings by healthcare professionalsspanlili stylelist-style
disc overflow-wrap break-word margin 0pxspan classa-list-itemIt is a highly accurate device and features body
movement detection that sets it apart from other blood monitorsspanlili stylelist-style disc overflow-wrap
break-word margin 0pxspan classa-list-item5 years extended brand warranty from date of purchase.T&C To
claim warranty original invoice is mandatoryspanlili stylelist-style disc overflow-wrap break-word margin
0pxspan classa-list-itemFor any query contact 1800-419-0492spanlili stylelist-style disc overflow-wrap
break-word margin 0pxspan classa-list-itemSafety Information Keep out of the reach and sight of the children
Keep away from heat or fire Keep in a moisture free place Store in a cool and dry place.spanliuldivdivdiv
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- To keep track of your blood pressure and help you in effective health management, here is the Omron HEM 8712 Blood Pressure Monitor with a digital display
- It is a convenient thing to be used by people with blood pressure or in clinical settings by healthcare professionals
- It is a highly accurate device and features body movement detection that sets it apart from other blood monitors
- 5 years extended brand warranty from date of purchase.T&C: To claim warranty, original invoice is mandatory
- For any query contact 1800-419-0492
- Safety Information: Keep out of the reach and sight of the children ; Keep away from heat or fire ; Keep in a moisture free place; Store in a cool and dry place.